Home » Power Plant, BillerudKorsnäs, Frövi, Sweden

Power Plant, BillerudKorsnäs, Frövi, Sweden

BillerudKorsnäs is producing packaging carton and liquid carton 470.000 tons/year in Frövi. A new recovery boiler investment decision was made in 2021. The construction work started in spring 2022  and new recovery boiler will be taken into use in 2023.


° Procurement, Prefabrication,  Installation and Insulation of the HP-Piping

° Demanding HP-Piping

° High quality standard and strict requirements

° Short lead time material (mill fabrication not possible) orders to prefabrication and installation period

° Global Covid 19 pandemic presence


° High prefabrication rate was used for shortening lead time and reducing needed manpower at site

° Recion’s own wide  recourses in close internal co-operation

° Disciplines: power piping

° Lifespan: execution period 2022 – 2023

° Size: pipe length 10CrMoVNb9-1 and 10CrMo910 totally 814 meters and 2200 meters if taking into account all material grades

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