
We execute Safety Class 1 nuclear piping works and mechanical installations for nuclear power plants. Detail design, material purchasing, prefabrication and supervision can be provided as part of our nuclear project deliveries.

Our design engineers and site personnel have long experience to execute demanding outage works. Short outage period in nuclear power plant requires careful work planning and detailed scheduling, considering all work categories at-site, including inspections, supervision, radiation protection and logistics.

Certified nuclear piping

Our welding and forming procedures are approved to Safety Class 1 according to Finnish Regulatory Guides on nuclear safety and security (YVL). We can also use our own orbital welding equipment for any demanding welding works. Moreover, our remote-controlled orbital welding robot allows us to run high-quality site welds even in the most radioactive locations. 

Jukka Hämäläinen

Your Recion contact in


Manager, Nuclear

Jukka Hämäläinen

T. +358 40 557 8158

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