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Company History

Recion Ltd has been part of Nordic industrial history for over 140 years. We are proud of our roots and the lasting imprint our journey has left during the last century.

Below short overview to our history:

1879 Huber established

Water pipe company Huber was the first on it’s field operating in Finland. Huber shaped the history of Finnish water pipe infrastructure.

Company’s name even became a synonym for tap water in Finnish language. It was common to say “I drink Huber” when a person took a glass of water (tap water clean enough for drinking).

1995 YIT acquired Huber

Huber stayed family-owned until company YIT acquires it on 1995. YIT-Huber focuses on industry piping maintenance and installation.

2013 YIT demerged and Caverion Industria established

YIT-Huber continues serving industrial customers as part of Caverion under tradename Caverion Industria.

2018 Mimir Invest acquired part of Caverion Industria

Global Swedish investment Group Mimir Invest acquires Caverion Industria’s Project Piping business.

2019 Recion Ltd born

New standalone company international Recion Ltd was born. Today after 140 years in business water pipes have changed into industrial piping, but the will to shape history and innovate hasn’t changed.

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