Power Plant retrofits

With the right kind of annual maintenance planning and implementation, the facility can be kept operational. Operational reliability is maintained and unexpected issues can be avoided. Correctly selected maintenance methods and components guarantee a durable plant.

What to take into account when carrying out power plant maintenance?


Saying ”Well begun is half done” is true when it comes to Power Plant maintenance. In addition to drawings, strength calculations and testing plans, accurate scheduling and proper resourcing in the maintenance itself is a prerequisite for success.


The right components with the right materials and strengths guarantee a long and reliable service life without unexpected surprises.


Which EN/ASME standard is followed? PED class? Which maintenance methods and what are necessary resources? What schedule is realistic? Do I need to make support modifications? t is worth ensuring the correct procedure, because otherwise the damage can be large and unexpected.


Plant maintenance requires special skills. EN/ASME standards, stress calculations, material choices, testing protocol and possible authority applications must be taken into account. With the help of a professional, you can get everything right at once and guarantee operational reliability.

Knowledge with years of experience

At Recion, we maintain power plants with long experience. We even have their original manufacturing drawings for several old power plants.

Our experts carry out power plant maintenance from planning to implementation to suit the customer’s schedule. Our extensive material warehouse offers the materials on a fast schedule. We are also able to manufacture several boiler parts at our workshop in Joroinen.

Recion design service covers:

  • Making maintenance plans together with the customer
  • Renewals and changes to PI diagrams, isometrics and layout drawings
  • Stress calculations of pipelines, shaped pieces, branches, etc. according to EN/ASME standards
  • Prototype and detail drawings (manufacturing drawings)
  • Flexibility checks, stress analyses
  • Support inspection and necessary changes, support drawings
  • Asbuilt -drawnings
  • Official authority applications for drawings and strength calculations if needed

Materials and parts available from Recion:

  • Heaters for boilers (carbon steel or austenitic steel grades)
  • Bypasses for air and burner and crew hatches (also made from Combound pipes)
  • Distribution and collector chambers
  • Feed water preheaters (Economizers)
  • Combustion air preheaters
  • Reducers, Caps
  • T and Y branches
  • Cold and inductionbendings
  • appr. 500t heat-resistant pipes with different wall thicknesses (16Mo3, 13CrMo4-5, 10CrMo9-10, X10CrMoVNb9-10…)
  • Sizes of stainless and acid-resistant pipes

Our machine shop specializing in the production of boiler parts serves with its long-term expertise in the maintenance needs of power plants.

Our material warehouse, which is unique even on the scale of Northern Europe located. We have the opportunity to deliver materials quickly, which is our competitive advantage.

Annual maintenance on topic? Don’t hesitate to contact!

Recion contact

Power Plant Retrofits

Jarkko Lehtonen


T. +358 40 779 6987

Recion contact

Power Plant Retrofits

Juha Tolonen


T. +358 50 443 1490

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